I'm attending graduate school now.

I have my own website.
You should visit my website if you have the chance.

My name is Yaruo.
Please call me Yaruo.

I'd like to get to know you better.

Take your time! There's no hurry!

I graduated from Nagoya University.
It's a big national university with many student.
I was in the engineering department.
I didn't study very hard.
I only studied before the tests.

I'm a pretty easygoing person.
I don't worry about all sorts of small things.
They'll take care of themselves.
Also I almost never get angry.
But when I do, watch out!!

What do you think of atomic bombs and nuclear weapons?

What is pease for you?

Good bye Monao. Say hello to your friends!

Do you believe in God? ・・・
 Yes! I sometimes see in the Internet!!!

Let's see. Wait a minute.

As I would like to contact you by e-mail,
                   could you let me know your e-mail address ?

It's too expensive!! Give me a discount, please!

Take precautions against fires !!

I'm sorry I couldn't hear you. Would you say that once again ?

Let's go to eat lunch, shall we ?

You look very tired. Are you OK ?

Excuse me. Where is the rest room ?

Shall we go out of the restaurant soon ?

Sorry・・・Would you speak more slowly ?

The dress becomes you. You look so cute!!

Don't flatter me!!

As far as I can recollect・・・


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